Ready Set Go

Jobs & Recruitments

Sl. No Description PFD & Links
1 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Technical and Non-technical manpower on contractual basis under the World bank assisted project on LRI-OUAT (REWARD)
2 Walk-in-Interview for the post of Young Professional-I (YP-I) in the R&D Project for “Assessment of Farm Mechanization Status and Prospects of Custom Hiring in India” under ICAR-AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery, OUAT
3 Walk-in-interview for engagement of the following technical manpower in the project on “Development of Nutrition-rich Supplement Rice Using Millets” (DNSRUM), CAET, OUAT
4 Walk-in-Interview for the post of Senior Research Fellows (SRF) and Technical Assistants (TA) under the RKVY project on “Strengthening cotton research at RRTTS, Bhawanipatna” , RRTTS, Bhawanipatna, OUAT
5 Walk-in-Interview for the post of the Young Professional-I under AICRP on Dryland Agriculture, Phulbani
6 Walk-in-interview for the engagement of Guest Faculties for Agro-Polytechnic Centre (Animal Science), Chiplima, Sambalpur
7 Applications are invited from amongst the Professors and persons of equivalent rank of this University for the post of Dean, CVSc & AH, OUAT under this University
8 Walk-in-interview for the the engagement of Research Associate with PhD under REWARD-Hydrology project
9 Walk-in-interview for the the engagement of technical manpower (SRFs and TAs) for OUAT-ICRISAT collaborative MURO project operating at NCRS, Berhampur and five other research establishments of OUAT
10 Walk-in-interview for the post of SRF and Field Assistants under OUAT-ICRISAT collaborative “IPOTI” Groundnut operating at AICRP on Groundnut, OUAT
11 Walk-in-interview for the post of SRF and Field Assistants under OUAT-ICRISAT collaborative project (RKVY) operating at NCRS, Berhampur, OUAT
12 Applications are invited for the post of Dean PGF cum DRI, OUAT
13 Applications are invited for the post of Dean of Research, OUAT
14 Walk-in-Interview for the post of the Young Professional-II under All India Network Project on Tobacco operating at Nutri-Crops Research Station (OUAT), Berhampur
15 Walk-in-Interview for the post of the Research Associate under AICRP on LTFE, Dept. of Soil Science, CA, OUAT
16 Walk-in-Interview for the post of the JRF in the project under SERB-DST, RRTTS, Chiplima, OUAT
17 Walk-in-Interview for the post of the Young Professional-II under All India Network Project on Tobacco operating at Nutri-Crops Research Station (OUAT), Berhampur
18 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Manpower on contractual basis, LRI-OUAT (REWARD) Project, OUAT on Dt. 22.10.2024
19 Postponed of Selection committee followed by written test for the post of Subject Matter Specialist Agril. Extn. in KVKs of OUAT
20 Walk-in-Interview for the posts of three Young Professional-I (YP-I) in the Pilot Project for Crop Diversification under AICRP on Integrated Farming Systems, OUAT
21 Walk-in-interview for engagement of SRF(GIS Lab) on contractual basis under the project on LRI-OUAT (REWARD), OUAT
22 Notice for appearing Personal Interview for the post of SMS (Soil Science) in KVKs under OUAT on Dt. 09.08.2024
23 Walk-in-interview for engagement of Analyst (Chemistry) on contractual basis at the Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF), OUAT
24 Walk-in-interview for engagement of Guest Faculty in different departments at College of Agriculture, Bhubaneswar
25 Walk-in-interview for engagement of Technical Manpower in REWARD-Hydrology Project
26 Walk-in-interview for different posts under Directorate of Extension Education, OUAT
27 Walk-in-Interview for the engagement of Project Fellow, Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Complex, CVSc. & AH, OUAT
28 Walk-in-Interview for the engagement of Project Fellow, Dept. of Vety. Physiology, CVSc. & AH, OUAT
29 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Faculties at different Agro-Polytechnic Centres of Agriculture Science, Horticulture Science, Animal Science and Fishery Science
30 Postretirement engagement of Physical Education Instructors in the office of DSW, OUAT
31 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Faculties at College of Basic Science & Humanities, OUAT
32 Corrigendum Notice of Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest faculties in Dept. of Agri-Business Management, CPGS, OUAT
33 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Faculties at College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, OUAT
34 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Faculties at College of Agriculture & College of Horticulture, OUAT, Chiplima
35 Notice for appearing Personal Interview for the post of SMS(Horticulture) in KVKs under OUAT on Dt. 03.07.2024
36 Walk-in-interview for the engagement of Guest Faculties in College of Fisheries, Berhampur, OUAT
37 Addendum regarding Advertisement No. 2860/UAT dated 20.02.2023 and No. 2421 /UAT dated 17.02.2024, the vacant posts of SMS (Agril. Extension) & Fishery
38 Advertisement for Engagement of Asst. Surgeon in OUAT Wellness Centre, Bhubaneswar
39 Walk-in-interview for the engagement of Guest Faculties in College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, OUAT
40 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest faculties in Dept. of Agri-Business Management, CPGS, OUAT
41 Walk-in-interview for the engagement of Guest Faculties in College of Community Science, OUAT
42 Postponement of Walk-in-interview for different posts under Directorate of Extension Education, OUAT
43 Postponement of Walk-in-interview for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under NICRA Project in KVKs of OUAT
44 Walk-in-Interview for the post of Project Fellow under CRP S&T Dept. WHEDMM, Dept. of Vety. Pharmacology & Toxicology, OUAT
45 Walk-in-interview for different posts under Directorate of Extension Education, OUAT
46 Walk-in-interview for the post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under NICRA Project in KVKs of OUAT
47 Advertisement for post retirement engagement in OUAT
48 Walk-in-Interview for the post of Project Fellow under CRP S&T Dept. WHEDMM, Dept. of Vety. Pharmacology & Toxicology, OUAT
49 Notice for appearing Personal Interview for the post of Asst. Professor (English) on dt. 02.03.2024
50 Advertisement for the post of Subject Matter Specialist(SMS) in different KVKs under OUAT
51 Notice for the Selection Process of Assistant Professor (English) under OUAT
52 Walk-in-Interview for different posts under CTDSMPVDO Project, Dept. of Plant Pathology, OUAT
53 Corrigendum Notice to the Walk-in-Interview Advt. for engagement of Manpower on contractual basis, LRI-OUAT (REWARD) Project, OUAT, Dt. 25.01.2024
54 Corrigendum Notice to the Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Manpower on contractual basis, LRI-OUAT (REWARD) Project, OUAT
55 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Manpower on contractual basis, LRI-OUAT (REWARD) Project, OUAT
56 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Young Professional-II , College of Fisheries, Rangailunda, Berhampur
57 Walk-in-interview for the engagement of Guest Faculties in Dept. of ABM, CPGS OUAT
58 Walk-in-interview for the engagement of Guest Faculties at Agro-Polytechnic Centre at Chiplima, Sambalpur & Rangeilunda, Berhampur, OUAT
59 Walk-in-Interview for the post of SRF in the project “Use of Fly ash in Agriculture for Sustainable Crop Production and Environmental Protection”, OUAT
60 Notice for appearing Personal Interview for the post of Asst. Professor (Animal Breeding & Genetics) on dt. 16.12.2023
61 Walk-in-Interview for the engagement of Consultants in REWARD- Hydrology Project, CAET, OUAT
62 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Young Professional-II (Horticulture & Agril. Engg.), PFDC,DoR, OUAT
63 Notice for appearing Personal Interview for the post of Asst. Professor (Clinical Vety. Medicine, Ethics & Jurisprudence) on dt. 29.11.2023
64 Notification for engagement of Emeritus Professor in different establishments of Teaching/ Research/ Extension of OUAT
65 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of part time Research Scholar under BPCL-OUAT Biofuel Project, CAET, OUAT.
66 Notice for appearing Personal Interview for the post of Asst. Professor (Zoology) on dt. 23.11.2023
67 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Faculties at College of Fisheries, OUAT, Rangailunda, Berhampur
68 Advertisement for post retirement engagement of Physical Education Instructor (PEI), OUAT
69 Walk-in-Interview for the post of SRF & Laboratory Attendant, Dept. of Vety. Pathology, OUAT
70 Walk-in Interview for the engagement of manpower both Technical & Non-technical in LRI-OUAT (REWARD) Project.
71 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Guest Faculty, CBSH, OUAT
72 Walk-in-interview for the post of Project Fellow, Dept. of Vety. Surgery & Radiology, CVSc. & AH, OUAT.
73 Walk-in-Interview for the post of Young Professional-II and Field Technicians, CPR, Berhampur, OUAT
74 Notice on Postponement of Written Examination for Recruitment of Assistants in KVK
75 Notice for appearing Personal Interview for the post of Asst. Professor (Botany) on 29.08.2023
76 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Project Fellow in the DST funded project, Dept. of LPM, CVSc & AH, OUAT
77 Link to download the admit card for the written test to be held on 03.09.23 for recruitment of Assistants in KVKs of OUAT
78 Walk-in-Interview for the post of Young Professional-II of NICRA-AICRPAM project, OUAT.
79 Notice on Written Test to be held on 03.09.2023 for RECRUITMENT of ASSISTANTS in KVKs Under OUAT
80 Walk-in-Interview for the posts of SRF and Young Professional-I under AICRP on IFS, OUAT
81 Walk-in-Interview for the post of Technical Cordinator in FMTC, CAET, OUAT.
82 Walk-in-Interview for the post of Young Professional-I in the project operating at AICRP on Cotton, RRTTS, Bhawanipatna
83 Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty in different departments of College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar.
84 Notice for appearing Personal Interview for the post of Asst. Professor on 01.08.2023.
85 Walk-in-Interview for the engagement of Technical Positions in REWARD project, OUAT.
86 Walk-in-Interview for Engagement of Guest Faculty CVSc. & AH, OUAT.
87 Engagement of Consultant under IDP-NAHEP, OUAT.
88 Corrigendum Notice for Walk-in-interview for the post of Field Asst. in DBT Network Programme on Anthrax Project.
89 Walk-in-interview for the post of Field Assistant in DBT Network program on Anthrax project.
90 walk-in-interview for the post of PHCA under National Horticulture Mission (MIDH) Project .