
Title of the Thesis Name of the student Name of the Advisor Year
Integrated nutrient management in rice and its residual effects maize under different weed management practices Banashree Lodh Dr. S. N Jena 2021
Effect of integrated nutrient management and various weed control practices in rice (Oryza sativa L.) – groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) cropping system under irrigated medium land situation Lalit Mohan Mohanty Dr. S.S Nanda 2021
Direct and residual effect of date of planting and nutrient management in rice on relay arhar with varying row spacing Bishnupriya Patra Dr. S. N Jena 2021
Integrated nutrient management in short grain aromatic rice -green gram system under rainfed condition SatyabrataMangaraj Dr. R. K Paiakray 2021
Maximization of productivity and resource use efficiency in irrigated rice – based cropping system of Odisha Prabha Manjari Giri Dr. B Behera 2021
Productivity and resource use efficiency of rice-maize -cowpea system under conservation tillage and weed management practices Surojyoti Pradhan Dr. L. M Garnayak 2021
Integrated nutrient management in rice(Oryza sativa L.)-groundnut (Arachis hypogeaL.)cropping system Mr B R Behera Dr. R. K Paikaray 2022
Nutrient management in rice variety and establishment method of succeeding crops in rice-toria-sweetcorn system under changing climate Ms Stuti Debapriya Behera Dr.L. M Garnayak 2022
Productivity and resource use efficiency of rice-groundnut cropping system under different nutrient management and rice establishment methods Tiryak Kumar Samant Dr. L.M Garnayak 2022
Productivity, soilmicrobial activity and carbon sequestration potential of organically managed rice-rice cropping system ininceptisols of Odisha Srimant Kumar Sahoo Dr. D. K Bastia 2022
Weed dynamics and management under resource conserving planting modules in rice maize cropping system Shiva Shankar Acharya Dr. S. S Jena 2022
Productivity, profitability and resource use efficiency of rice -rice system under different establishment method and green manuring Jyoti Prakash Mishra Dr. S. Biswal 2022
Site-specific nitrogen management in rice and liming of groundnut in rice-groundnut cropping system Rozalin Nayak Dr. M.R Satapathy 2022
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