
The students’ intake capacity of the college at B.F.Sc., M.F.Sc. and Ph.D. levels are 48+8, 10+2 and 4+1 respectively. Till 2022-23, this college has produced 916 B.F.Sc graduates, 154 M.F.Sc. (Aquaculture) and 14 Ph.D.(Fishery Science) degree holders, to serve the fisheries sector in general and the fish farming community in particular in multifarious capacities.As on date, such technically qualified and professionally competent human resources have secured placement in State Department of Fisheries (327), 148 students in Banking, Insurance Other Central Govt. sectors, 42 students joined in different SAUs across the country, 54 students joined in ICAR; 24 students were in abroad; 14 students were joined in OAS; 37 students were outside state students employed in their states; 97 students were in private sectors/NGOs/Entrepreneurs/ Projects and other were continuing their higher studies and unemployed.

Faculties of this College have completed a number of externally funded research projects and competitive research schemes funded by NAIP, NATP, IFS, ICAR, RKVY, PMFME, NFDB, PMMSY etc. and few more research projects are in the pipe line to be launched shortly.Several technologies in aquaculture and fisheries have been generated and the same have been transferred to the stakeholders through training, demonstration and awareness programme.

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