College of Forestry, OUAT, Bhubaneswar located centrally in the heart of the temple city of Bhubaneswar, it boasts of a sprawling campus and spacious infrastructure which are easily accessible (about 5 km away from railway station and about 2.5 km from Biju Pattnaik International Airport).Forestry education in Odisha University of Agriculture & Technology was introduced in the year 1976 after the recommendation of National Commission on Agriculture, with inclusion of 3 courses namely (1) Silviculture (2) Forest Products and (3) Forest Conservation in the curricula of B. Sc. (Ag.) course. Subsequently, during 1987 after the recommendation of National Forest Policy-1986, a four year B. Sc. (Forestry), an undergraduate course was introduced in the country as well as in OUAT. The college offers Graduate and Post graduate degree programmes. The B.Sc.(Hons.) Forestry is a four year professional degree course with course work, Forest Work Experience (FoWE) and Experimental learning (ELP) Programme, with an intake capacity of 51.