Experimental learning programme

Experiential Learning (EL) helps the student to develop competence, capability, capacity building, acquiring skills, expertise and confidence to start their own enterprise and turn “Job Creators instead of Job Seekers”. This is a step towards “Earn while Learn” concept. It provides the students an excellent opportunity to develop analytical and entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through meaningful hands on experience. The students will take up any one of the following ELP modules with a credit load of 0+10 credit hours during the IV and V semester.

Module: Raising Quality Planting Materials for forest regeneration

Linkages and collaborations with other agencies/ Departments within and outside the country:

  1. Established linkage with Forest Department, Govt. of Odisha on biodiversity assessment & conservation strategy.
  2. Linkage with IFP, Ranchi, ICFRE.
  3. Linkage with ICRAF and establishment of High tech Nursery


  • Third party monitoring and evaluation of site specific wildlife conservation activities in Dulanga Coal Mining Project of NTPC Ltd, Sundargarh.
  • A project entitled “Forest fire crises and steps for early Management in Odisha”, completed in 2019 -20, funded by Odisha Forest Department.
  • Students research: M Sc (Forestry) students research is going on in 5 Departments.