RHWE/Experiential Learning

Under the Village Attachment Programme, the 4th year students (41) were attached to Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment, Government of Odisha as Agriculture Development Associates (Krushi Unnat Sahjogi) for two months which helped them in improving the extension activities. They also gain practical knowledge of agricultural and horticultural practices, and also expose to different government schemes and programmes related to agriculture and horticulture. Ms. Sonali Sahu bearing adm. No.191810024- awarded best KUS Associate by Department of Agriculture and Famers Empowerment, Govt. of Odisha during the year 2022-23. The programme helped the students in understanding the problems faced by farmers faces at field level, improved their communication skill by interaction with the host farmer and other farmer during the village activities.

Agro-Industries Attachment Programme

Under Agro-Industries Attachment Programme the students were exposed to industrial environments, to various machineries and various processed products. They understood the psychology of the workers and approach towards problems and practices followed in various industries. During this period they gained the knowledge on processing and value addition of different Agricultural and horticultural produce and also gained the skill on operation of industries, marketing of produce, etc.

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