Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies

Dr. Pritishri Parhi



Area of Specialization

Child Study, Marriage & family

The department provides students with a comprehensive learning experience, equipping them with practical and versatile skills essential for interacting with diverse individuals across various human service fields. It fosters an understanding of human development across the entire lifespan, emphasizing the significant impact of families and communities on this development. Moreover, students in the department acquire the knowledge and expertise necessary for advocating for innovative social policies and programs, as well as developing new models aimed at preventing and addressing social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. The curriculum of Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS) is designed with a strong emphasis on practical application. Through active participation in lab school activities, HDFS students not only grasp the organization and management of early childhood care centers but also gain valuable hands-on experience, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities in their chosen careers.

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