Anti Ragging

Ragging is strictly forbidden in this institution, and different measures have been implemented towards creating a welcoming and supportive environment for the students. The student union advisor for senior students emphasises the negative implications of ragging first-year students and counsels them against engaging in such behaviour. The steps taken to avoid ragging comprise round-the-clock monitoring of first-year students’ dormitory and classroom activities and education of the students concerning the resources available to them for seeking help in the event that they are ragged, dos and don’ts on campus. The following list of specific actions was taken;

  • An anti-ragging squad has been formed to keep an eye on and rein in unscrupulous behaviour on college campuses.
  • The students have to give undertaking in the prescribed proforma for not involving in the ragging activities.
  • The anti-ragging banners are exhibited throughout the college and the Ragging Prevention Act is taught to the students.
  • Every year, during the orientation programme, parent-teacher meetings are held with the freshmen, during which the anti-ragging policies and steps implemented are explained.
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