Research papers ranital

Dhinda, B., Nayak, U. S., Das, C. K. and Panda, S. 2023. Comparative Efficacy of Certain IPM Strategies against Tobacco Caterpillar and Head Borer in Sunflower. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 14(9):1271-1277.

Panda, S., Mohanty, T.R., Nayak, U. S., Rath, B.S. and Dugal, D. 2023. Influence of weather factors on incidence and infestation of Shoot and fruit borer in brinjal. International Journal of Environment and Climate Change , 13 (5): 94-101.

Parhi, C., Khuntia, A., Nayak, U.S., Mahapatra, A.K.B., Rath, B.S., Nanda, A. And Priyadarshi, D.S. 2022. Effect of different sowing dates and varieties on the incidence of fall army worm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in hybrid maize. The Pharma Innovation, 11(12): 786-790

Das, C.K., Nayak, U. S. and Pati, P. 2021. Elucidating the molecular anatomy of Acetyl-CoA carboxylase in Brassica rapa for evolving climate-resilient interventions to minimize carbon footprints. Sustainable Chemical Engineering , pp.52-70.

Das, C.K., Nayak, U.S., Pati, P., Mohanty, M.R., Das, S., Sial, P., Kabat, B. and Swain, S.C. 2021. Deciphering the Molecular Architecture of a Candidate R-gene (BjuWRR1) Product Mediating White Rust Resistance in Brassica juncea. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management, 12(4), 393-401

Nayak, U.S and Das, A. 2020. Farmer participatory assessment of pest management modules for yellow stem borer and leaf folder in summer rice. Oryza, 57 ( 4): 310-314.

Nayak, U.S. and Mahapatra, S.S. 2020. Efficacy of integrated pest management (IPM) modules against fruit fly (Bactrocera cucurbitae C.) in bitter gourd. Vegetable Science, 47 (I) : 127-130

Nayak, U.S., Rath, L.K and Khuntia, A. 2020. Effect of environmental factors on the seasonal incidence and infestation of Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee in summer brinjal under North Central Plateau Agro-climatic Zone of Odisha. Journal of Crop and Weed, 16(1): 229-235

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