Weather station

An Automatic weather station (AWS) was installed since June 2010 to record the daily changes in weather parameters. The AWS has sensors for measuring temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and bright sunshine hour. The AWS has also a tipping bucket type rain gauge sensor and sensors for measuring soil moisture and soil temperature at multiple depths. The AWS provides data for different weather parameters on a daily basis in each 15-minute interval. The data collected by the AWS get updated in the IMD website.

Besides the AWS, a manual weather observatory was installed during June 2018 at RRTTS, Mahisapat. It is a specially designed station for recording key weather data such as air temperature, soil temperature, amount of rainfall, evaporation, bright sunshine hour, wind direction and wind speed by physical measurements using various standard instruments and methods at specific hours recommended by the IMD. This station provides meteorological information related to the local climatic regime of the station on a routine basis.

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