Varieties developed keonjhar

Sl No. Characteristics Features
1 Scientific Name Linum usitatissimum L.
2 Common Name Tisi, Pesi
3 Year of Release 2014 (SVRC) & 2016 (CVRC)
4 Pedigree RLC 29 × R 1871
5 Duration (days 105
6 Plant height (cm) 49.0
7 Seed Color Light brown
8 Oil content (%) 35.67
9 Seed Yield (kg/ha) 849 (Average) & 1299 (Potential)
10 Breeding Method Pedigree Method
11 Released Institution AICRP on Linseed, RRTTS, Keonjhar, OUAT
12 Cropping Situation Suitable for Utera (paira cropping), Rainfed and Irrigated Situation of Rabi Season
13 Recommended States Odisha, Maharashtra, MP, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
14 Reaction to Diseases and Pests Highly resistant to Alternaria blight and Wilt; and moderately resistant to Bud fly
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