Research papers koraput

Publications (Published during 2021-22 and 2022-23):

Das, H., Sial, P., Mishra, P.J. and Dash, S.R. 2022. Usability analysis of weather forecast and impact assessment of weather based agro advisories on rice and groundnut. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology, 15(1): 95-99. NAAS rating: 4.54

Dash, S.R., Mishra, P.J., Behera, N., Das, H. and Sangramsingh, P.K. 2022. Performance of rice varieties under rainfed upland condition in South Eastern Ghat Zone of Odisha. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment

Sahoo, K.C, Sahoo, Srimanta Kumar., Tudu, Sukumar., Ray, Mokika. and Majhi, Prasanta Kumar. 2022. Effect of Hydrogel on growth, yield and Profitability of Linseed (Linum utitatissimum L.) under Rainfed condition.The Pharma Innovation Journal ; Sial, P., Das, H. and Pradhan, S.R. 2022. Effect of application of micronutrients on yield and economics of ginger under Eastern Ghat High Land zone of Odisha. Indian Journal of Ecology, 49(4): 1299-1302. NAAS rating: 5.79
11(6): 1500-1502.NAAS rating :5.23

Sahoo, S.K., Bastia, D.K., Tripathy, S., Sahoo, K.C. and Ray, M. 2022. Long term effect of organic amendments on soil carbon dynamics and sustainability of organically managed rice-rice cropping sequence in Inceptisols of Odisha.The Pharma Innovation Journal , 11(6): 294-299.NAAS rating :5.23

Meena M. K, Dalei B. B, Pradhan K, Senapati N, Phonglosa A, Ram M, Kunwar R, Kumai V, Gupta D and Meena R.K. 2022. Identification and evaluation of productive mutants of Niger [Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass] for different morphological characters in subsequent generations, The Pharma Innovation Journal 11 (6):1388-1392.

Phonglosa A, Dalei B. B, Murmu P, Behera B, Sinha B, Saren S, Nayak L and Meena M. 2022. Integrated nutrient management in rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) under Eastern Ghat High Land zone of Odisha, International Journal of plant & soil science 34 (6): 102-108.

Phonglosa A, Dalei B. B, Ray K, Pattanayak S.K. 2023. Integrated nutrient management improves productivity, profitability and quality of rainfed pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Mill sp.) in an alfisol of eastern India, Journal of plant nutrition 46 (2): 285-299.

Sahoo, S.K., Bastia, D.K., Tripathy, S., Behera, J., Sahoo, K.C., Tudu, S. and Nayak,R.N., 2022. Long term effects of organic amendments on carbon sequestration rate, soil microbial and enzymatic activities in organically managed rice-rice cropping system in inceptisols of Odisha.The Pharma Innovation Journal , SP-11(10): 244-248.NAAS rating :5.23

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