Awareness program on Anti-Ragging
Name of the event Awareness program on Anti-Ragging
Date of conduction 03/09/2012
Number of volunteers participated 20

The above event was conducted on 3rd September 2012 at our institution to create awareness on anti-ragging.Ragging has ruined countless innocent lives and careers. In order to eradicate it and to make the campus ragging free, the above event was conducted in the campus with the help of NSS volunteers.

Traffic rules awareness Drive
Name of the event Traffic rules awareness Drive
Date of conduction 05/09/2012
Number of volunteers participated 20

In a bid to create awareness among citizens about the traffic safety rules, BMSCE NSS unit, has conducted an awareness drive on traffic rules for the citizens of Bangalore on 5th September2012.

The objective of the initiative is to sensitize the citizens of Bangalore about the importance of adherence to a slew of road safety rules and Traffic signals in order to avoid accidents and secure long life.

National youth awareness program on organ donation
Name of the event National youth awareness program on organ donation
Date of conduction 27th-29th Sept 2012
Number of volunteers participated 29

The above event was conducted from 27-29th Sept, 2012 at our institution to create awareness on organ donation along with zonal co-ordination committee of Odisha for transplantation (ZCCO).the campaign was done for larger masses to address the youth with a class room interaction, where every individual has been educated, clarified their doubts/myths and motivated to inspire others. The organ donor forms filled by inspired pupils was collected from each class rooms and submitted to ZCCK to have a database of all registered organ donors.

NSS Orientation program
Name of the event NSS Orientation program
Date of conduction 30/09/2012
Number of volunteers participated 29

The above event was conducted on 30th September 2012 to give the orientation(Aims, objectives, Roles and importance) for the interested students of our college and the registration form was issued to them. Our respected Dean Dr.XYZ addressed the gathering about the NSS importance.

Blood donation camp
Name of the event Blood donation camp
Date of conduction 05/10/2013
Number of volunteers participated 29

The above event was conducted on 5th of October, 2012 at our indoor stadium and more than 150 volunteers donated their blood. The event was conducted in association with the Lions Club, Bhubaneswar.

Vision India 2020 training program
Name of the event Vision India 2020 training program
Date of conduction 07/10/2013
Number of volunteers participated 29

The above workshop aims at developing skills to succeed as an individual. All the third semester students of our institution were participated. The event was conducted in association with Yuva global foundation, Vision India 2020, based on Kalam’s vision of developed India (Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam, former President of India) on 7thof October 2012 at 10.00AM in our auditorium.

Diwali celebrations at Gandhi old age home,Bhubaneswar
Name of the event Diwali celebrations at Gandhi old age home,Bhubaneswar
Date of conduction 14/11/2013
Number of volunteers participated 29

CAET NSS unit celebrated the Diwali at Gandhi old age home, Bhubaneswar on 14th of November, 2012.NSS unit distributed fruits and sweets to all the members of Gandhi old age home, Bhubaneswar

Child Abuse awareness program at Big Bazaar Mall, Bhubanesawr
Name of the event Child Abuse awareness program at Big Bazaar Mall, Bhubanesawr
Date of conduction 14/11/2013
Number of volunteers participated 29

CAET NSS unit celebrated the Diwali at Gandhi old age home, Bhubaneswar on 14th of November, 2012.NSS unit distributed fruits and sweets to all the members of Gandhi old age home, Bhubaneswar

Health Check-Up at University Ground
Name of the event Health Check-Up at University Ground
Date of conduction 24/11/2013
Number of volunteers participated 29

The NSS Unit organizes Health check-Up in the University campus