Mission and Vision


The Department of Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering would like to be to be established as an internationally renowned facility for education, research and training in the field of food processing and post harvest management.

Also to achieve higher profitability of agricultural production systems in the state through interventions for loss reduction, value addition and complete value chain management of agricultural produce and byproducts, ensuring better income to farmers, increased employment opportunities in rural sector, and resulting in high quality and safe food and feed for consumers.

  • To undertake UG and PG teaching in the field of food processing and post harvest management.
  • To undertake basic, applied, strategic and adaptive engineering and technology research in crop post harvest sector.
  • To act as a state level resource centre for research, education and training in post harvest technology and food processing.
  • To act as a state level repository of information on processes, equipment, products and technologies in post harvest technology and food processing.
  • To promote entrepreneurship in the state in the field of food processing by technical guidance and consultancy services to entrepreneurs, state departments, public and private sector.
  • To meet the human resource requirement of the state and the country in the field of food processing and post harvest management by imparting quality education and training.
  • To reduce post harvest losses in the state from the existing 40-50% to less than 10% level and to increase the food processing from the existing 2% level to more than 30% level by 2030.