Mission and Vision

  • To provide quality education in Farm Machinery and Power.
  • To undertake adaptive, applied and basic research leading to development/ improvement/ testing of equipment, technology, process for production, energy use in agriculture and rural industries.
  • To provide input to State Govt. for policy interventions with respect to agricultural mechanization, energy management in agriculture.
  • To provide consultancy and undertake sponsored research on agricultural machinery for industries and other organizations.
  • To provide skilled manpower to the agrarian sector.
  • To collaborate with various national and international projects.
  • To equip agricultural engineers with the latest skills and expertise to serve the state and the nation.
  • To conduct research on cutting edge areas as well as on-farm strategic research for enhancing the production and productivity of different crops and reducing drudgery.
  • To be recognised as a centre of excellence in Farm Machinery and Power & Bio-fuel.
  • To act as an advanced learning hub for capacity building.
  • To support the State Government in implementing its agriculture/agricultural engineering based policies and programmes.

The overall objective of the department is to train manpower through teaching and research in the field of farm power and machinery. The specific objectives of the department include

  • To train students to integrate basic physical and biological sciences with engineering principles to solve problems related to production, processing, storage, handling, distribution, and use of food, feed, fiber and other biomaterials, and the management of related natural resources.
  • Development of Centre of excellence on Bio-energy and Farm Machinery and Power