Mission and Vision

To be recognized nationally for quality education and research in the field of mechanical and electrical engineering leading to qualified agricultural engineers, who can serve the society and industry with ethical responsibilities.

  • To provide quality education and technical skill to the students to meet the regional as well as national priorities in higher education for industrial/agricultural application.
  • To build a conducive environment for academic pursuit, nurturing creative thoughts and inculcating a spirit of inquiry.
  • To ensure quality, speed, economy and transparency in all spheres of the activities.
  • To provide opportunity to each member of the department for achieving academic excellence, developing all round personality and realizing his or her full potential.
  • To develop linkages with other academic institutes, R&D organizations and industries for excellence in teaching and research.

The overall objective of the department is to train manpower through teaching and research in the field of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. The specific objectives of the department include

  • To provide excellent teaching in the field of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering for a bright career in Agricultural Engineering.
  • To train students in the methods of engineering science and in the application of these methods to conceive, organize and carry out the design of engineering systems.
  • To provide opportunity for students to work as part of teams on multidisciplinary projects.
  • To integrate teaching and research for effective application of knowledge and skill.
  • To strengthen collaboration with other academic institutes and industries.
  • To encourage students to develop an alternative carrier as an entrepreneur.
  • To ensure good governance, work culture and transparency in management of the department