
The faculties of Department of Agricultural Processing and Food Engineering were awarded on various occasions for their outstanding performance in the field of research and publication.

Some of the awards are :
  • Dr Md K Khan received the Samant Chandrasekhar award from Odisha Vigyan Academy on 21.12.2010 at Bhubaneswar, Orissa.
  • Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Dash received the Commendation medal of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers for 2014.
  • Dr Md K Khan, Dr (Mrs) K Rayaguru , Dr U S Pal , Dr C K Bakhara and N R Sahoo received the “Best Research Team award” from ISAE for 2009-10.
  • Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Dash has been awarded with “Best Teacher Award” by OUAT, Bhubaneswar for 2008.
  • Dr. (Mrs) K. Rayaguru has been awarded with “Best Scientist Award” by OUAT, Bhubaneswar for 2008.
  • Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Dash received the Distinguished Services certificate of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers for 2006.
  • AICRP on Post Harvest Technology, OUAT, Bhubaneswar Centre has been awarded as ‘Best Performing Centre’ by ICAR as per the recommendations of the Quinquennial Review Team for XI Plan for AICRP on PHT.
  • Dr (Mrs.) K Rayaguru and Dr Md K Khan received Gold medal for the “Best paper” award in Agricultural, Mechanical and Environmental Engineering Division from Orissa Engineering Congress held on 26th February, 2011.
  • Dr U S Pal and Dr Md K Khan received second prize for their article in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Division during the 56th Annual session of Orissa Engineering Congress held on 26th February,2011 at Bhubaneswar