Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

The department has well equipped Soil and Water Conservation, irrigation and drainage and hydraulics laboratories, which have facilities of modern systems and equipments like Neutron Probe moisture meter, Pressure plate apparatus, Digital stage level recorder, Micro Irrigation systems, different types of hydraulics pumps, models and prototypes of chute and drop spillway, models to study ground water flow dynamics, Geo-resistivity meter.etc.

The department has also working co-ordination with various Government Organizations and industries to help students to gain practical knowledge. Besides, the facility of testing and evaluation of various pumps, sprinklers and drips are available.

The department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (SWCE) has rendered its yeomen service to the farming community through programmes related to irrigation and drainage water management, ground water and wells, Soil Conservation Engineering, Hi-tech irrigation systems and watershed management./p>

Besides, the department has undertaken research component of World Bank funded project, “National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas” (NWDPRA) Integrated Watershed Development Project (IWDP) throughout the state at different watersheds, Improvement of hydraulic structures in Mahanadi Delta irrigation command, Rehabilitation of degraded watersheds, etc.