Farm Machinery and Power

The Department of Farm Machinery and Power is a Post Graduate department having well qualified faculties who are dedicated to teaching, research and extension activities in the field of Farm Machinery in particular and welfare of the farming community as general. The faculty members are specialized in Farm Machinery, Farm Power, Design of Farm Equipment and Implements, Management of Farm Machinery and Farm Mechanization Planning, Renewable Energy and System Engineering.

Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering is the oldest department of the College of Agricultural Engg & Technology. The Department is engaged in Teaching, Research and Extension Activities. Department offers under graduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes and equipped with modern computerized laboratories and highly qualified faculty.

Department is also actively engaged in research and have number of sponsored research projects. Further more, department has liaison with industries like ASPEE, Mumbai, Tractor industries etc. and other organizations and depute M.Tech. and doctoral students for there project work. Department has a completely mechanized farm and students are trained to operate agricultural machinery on the farm under the supervision of the trained staff. Recently department is conducting research on bio-diesel and agronomics. Under the extension activities of the department field days are organized and demonstrations are conducted on the farmers field. The department is also engaged in organizing number of training programmes sponsored by DST on EDP

The laboratories are fully equipped with sophisticated equipment and instruments to update the knowledge of the students through different practical classes. In the Post Graduate level, the students are engaged in research work in the College as well as in collaboration with the R&D departments of different allied organizations. The department takes steps to enhance the communication skill through different seminars, workshops and lectures that are essential for the students to be technically expertise. The department is engaged in research works of different schemes of different organizations like ICAR, MNRES, DST, Govt. of India and the Govt. of Orissa. Through the extension activities, the department transfers the research results to the end users like farmers, the industries and to the extension workers of the government through different demonstrations, trainers and users trainings, T.V. and Radio talks and information bulletins.